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Senin, 20 Desember 2010

The History of Waruga

Waruga grave is located in the old Sawangan, Airmadidi District, North Minahasa, North Sulawesi. Waruga comes from two words, "Waru" means home and "Ruga" which means body. So the Minahasan people believe that this tomb is the place where the dead people returned to heaven

Now, numbers of waruga tomb which located in Sawangan graveyard, district of Airmadidi is 104 dotu, in other words clan. Unfortunately, from 104 dotu, only some of them that can still be tens of identified. The rest of it was very difficult to identifiy. Some dotu who can still be recognized are Wenas, Karamoy, Kalalo, Tangkudung, Rorimpandey, Mantiri, Kojongian and other.

From the form of the stone tomb, we can see the job or profession of the dead person who had burried in waruga tomb. If there are pictures of animals, it means the person who died is a hunter. For example, Dotu Tangkudung in waruga, he was a judge. We can see in the picture that he lead a disccusion.

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